Miroslaw P. Ruka, DVM, PhD, Ontario, Canada, submit manuscript(s) for instant publishing
Dr. Miroslaw P. Ruka, Ontario, Canada, submit manuscript(s) for instant publishing
Dr. M. P. Ruka, Ontario, Canada, submit manuscript(s) for instant publishing
Dr. M. Ruka, Ontario, Canada, submit manuscript(s) for instant publishing
Dr. Ruka, Ontario, Canada, submit manuscript(s) for instant publishing
Dr. M.P. Ruka
Dr. M. Ruka
Dr. Ruka
with tables, charts, figures, tables, etc. to be sent as attachment(s),
For the Author(s) submitting, from 1-to-50-page-long typewritten
single-space in English language only, Original Manuscript(s) -
Publishing Charges / Fees:
US$ 250.00 per manuscript
Publisher's Initial Remarks:
In this very competitive medical environment where the timing of publication is a very crucial factor in securing and preserving
the author's intellectual rights the
ICCMVS Journal has been established to introduce instant publishing services (in
less than 24 hours) to publish the authors' work presenting various ideas, concepts, techniques, point of views and/or novel
methods of treatment,
without any delay(s).

In the Publisher's efforts of standardizing publications, in particular the original clinical and research ready-to-publish
manuscripts submitted by professionals (MDs, DVMs, PhDs) to the
ICCMVS Journal for publication in the medical,
veterinary, biological and related fields / disciplines in the area of treatment, care, health and welfare - for the benefit of humans
and animals - the
Instruction For Authors (as the minimum required standards) is presented (see below).

The Publisher’s main task is identifying the
External Commentary Panel, a group of intellectually unique and
professionally outstanding 5-10 individuals (clinicians, academics, educators, scientists, preferably 2 representatives from each
Continent) whose primary responsibility will be to make professional
comments about the manuscripts which are already
in the ICCMVS Journal. These comments will be published and, furthermore, they will be made available to be
viewed by every Internet user around the World. This, without any doubt, will put an additional pressure on the authors to
improve the quality of their articles/papers/manuscripts published in the
ICCMVS Journal.

However, it is the Publisher’s anticipation that the contributing authors will have the final impact on shaping the

I. Instruction For Authors:

Policies, Conditions & Limitations:

1. All ready-to-publish original articles/papers/manuscripts (not published before) typewritten in English and submitted to the
International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS Journal) for publication within the
first 24 hours,
are not subjected to the editorial review and are not going to be sent to 2-3 experts / reviewers for their comments.
No Galley Proofs are provided to the authors as well.

2. This is the author’s responsibility to ensure that editorial work of his/her articles/papers/manuscripts has been done by
himself/herself (or by the professional editor on the author’s expenses) prior to submitting for publication.

3. All articles/papers/manuscripts or DVDs, which have not been concurrently submitted to other journals or posted on Internet
sites (personal or institutional), are published instantly as submitted (within the first 24 hours).

4. All submitted ready-to-publish articles/papers/manuscripts and/or videos (DVD) are published within the first ≤24    
of receiving at the ICCMVS Journal’s office (accompanied by the ICCMVS Journal Office stamp with the date and
time of receiving).

5. The views, opinions and/or comments expressed and statements presented in manuscript(s) and/or video(s) (DVD)
published by the
International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS Journal) are solely
those of the authors’ presenting them, and do not necessary represent or reflect the opinion(s) and/or position(s) of the
ICCMVS Journal, and its respected Parent Company, and Affiliated or Subsidiary Institution(s)/Company(s).

6. An ultimate responsibility for the quality and accuracy of presented information/data/results in the published
article/paper/manuscript rest solely with the author(s).

7. The ICCMVS Journal, in harmony with the Canadian Law issued in the form of Ontario Province Legislation Bill 168
(2009) and Ontario Human Rights Code, as well, strictly adheres to its anti-harassment, anti-violent and anti-discriminatory
policies in regards to the race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin,
citizenship, creed, marital or family status, and any article/paper/manuscript and/or video (DVD) violating these policies (or
providing/promoting any offensive materials/information/images) will be removed from publishing at the author(s) expense.
Publishing fee(s) will not be refunded.

Submission of Manuscript(s):

Only original ready-to-publish and not published before articles/papers/manuscripts typewritten single space in
English language only (not exceeding numbered 50 pages) using Times New Roman Font not less than 12, on one side of the
Letter Size or A4 paper, and margins on each side of the paper not less than 1 inch - 2.5 cm) are considered and
should be
(with a copy of your Order Summary payment made to the ICCMVS Journal clearly indicating the first author’s
name and the manuscript’s title, as well)

Dr. M.P. Ruka
ICCMVS Journal
55 Yarmouth Street, Suite 204
Guelph, Ontario N1H 7R4, Canada

or you may
e-mail as attachments to: publisher@ccmvsjournal.com (with a copy of your Order Summary
payment made to the
ICCMVS Journal clearly indicating the author’s first name and the manuscript’ title, as well).

All ready-to-publish manuscript(s), which have not been concurrently submitted to other journals or posted on Internet sites
(personal or institutional), should be submitted to the
ICCMVS Journal in the form of one original copy (the way the author
wishes to be published) accompanied by the author’s 3½ floppy diskette, or CD containing the manuscript file in Microsoft
Office Word (compatible with Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, only) to be downloaded to the
ICCMVS Journal site.
Files / manuscripts submitted in Acrobat and/or Adobe Reader are not accepted and will not be published.

NOTE: Any correspondence / materials mailed via the Postal Services to the ICCMVS Journal Office without the sender's /
Return Address will be destroyed, at the sender's / author's expense.

International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS Journal) is designed for the instant
(within 24 hours of receiving at the ICCMVS Journal Office - accompanied by a stamp with the date and time of
receiving) of all submitted ready-to-publish articles / papers / manuscripts in the medical/veterinary/biological field(s)/discipline
(s) of education, treatment, care, health and welfare - for the benefit of humans and animals - in the following categories /

I.             Letter from the Publisher (Publisher's View published periodically);

II.            Review / Overview (manuscript organized according to the Author’s wish);

III.          Clinical Original Articles (including clinical trials – see Instruction For Authors);

IV.         Clinical Notes / Observations (manuscript organized according to the Author’s wish);

V.           Clinical Original Research (see Instruction For Authors);

VI.         Comparative Original Research (see Instruction For Authors);

VII.       Research (basic, applied, pre-clinical in vitro, ex vivo, in situ, or in vivo – see Instruction For Authors);

VIII.      Innovations / Inventions / Modifications (including Novel Techniques & Methodologies);

IX.         Bio-technology (including bio-chemistry, bio-physics or bio-engineering);

X.           Education and Educational (Faculty, under-graduate or post-graduate programs / studies / students at the  
clinics, hospitals, universities or other educational institutions);

XI.          Educational Videos (DVDs, including other forms of presentations e.g. slide presentations in a Power Point) -
seminars, courses, or lectures on the subject(s) in the field of medical, veterinary, biological & other related disciplines;

XII.        Abstracts, Proceedings and the Manuscripts from the (bio-) medical, veterinary, biological National or
International Meetings, Symposium, Conferences, or Congresses;

XIII.       Business (e.g. analysis of cost effectiveness of patient’s treatment, patient’s hospitalization, insurance and
hospital’s health services);

XIV.    Letters to the Publisher;

XV.       Thesis and/or Dissertations;

XVI.      Other Categories (still to be identified, or as identified by the author).

*Publisher reserves the rights to select appropriate Category / Section for the submitted manuscript(s)

    Arrangement of the Original Manuscript for Publication:

I. Original Manuscript:

1. Ready-to-publish manuscript is published within the first 24 hours as submitted.

2. The full length of manuscript is limited to numbered 50 printed pages (text only) typewritten single space (Times New
Roman Font not less than 12) on one side of the Letter Size or A4 paper:

( a.) all Tables, Figures, Charts, Photographs (Illustrations) Acknowledgments, References and/or any other appendices /
attachments submitted along with the manuscript
are not included into the main body of numbered 50 printed pages.

3. There is no limitation on the number of words used per page.

4. All Illustrations, Charts, Tables, Figures, Acknowledgements and References presented along with the manuscript are
not included into a total/full length of 50-page-long typewritten single space (Times New Roman Font not less than 12)
paper/article/manuscript submitted to the
ICCMVS Journal for publication.

5. All units of measurements, etc., are provided according to the Systeme International d’Unites (SI Units) where the Donald’s
Medical Dictionary and Webster’s International Dictionary may be used as standard references;

6. It is the author’s responsibility to mail an original copy of manuscript to the ICCMVS Journal’s Office with a 3½ floppy
disc, or CD containing the manuscript’s file in Microsoft Office Word compatible with Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
only (as
files/manuscripts submitted in Acrobat or/and Adobe Reader are not accepted and will not be published).

NOTE: It is the author’s full responsibility to make sure that their 3½ floppy diskette or CD containing the
manuscript’s file(s) and/or author’s DVD as well are free of viruses, as each diskette/disc will be
screened with the Norton Internet Security (Symantec) anti-virus Microsoft program at the
ICCMVS Journal
and infected files will be automatically deleted, at the author’s expense.

7. It is the author’s responsibility to attach a copy of payment made to the ICCMVS Journal for each manuscript submitted.

II. Typing Requirements:
•The manuscript (from one to maximum typewritten 50 pages, where the References, Acknowledgements, Tables,
Charts, Figures, Illustrations
, etc. are not included into the main body of the 50-page manuscript) should be typed (Times
New Roman Font not less than 12) in English language only, using a single space on one side of the Letter Size or A4 paper with
the margin spaces on the four sides not less than 1 inch (2.5 cm).

1. Title:
should be concise, followed by the author’s full names, and the name of the institute/university/hospital/clinic where the
work has been conducted.

2. Abstract:
should contain:
1. authors surnames and initials;
2. title of manuscript;
3. title of Journal, abbreviated as in reference list;
4. the word ABSTRACT is followed by a short summary of the article, but not exceeding 250 words, a presentation of the goal
of study, brief presentation of results – abbreviations are welcome – and the main conclusion of this paper; and
5. name and address (e-mail address) of the main author for further correspondence.

3. Introduction:
Author(s) should present a background of the presented topic in a very brief manner, to give to the reader a general idea abut
the paper’s field of study, with a few references and the question(s)/subject(s) being investigated and/or dealt with.

4. Abbreviations:
Author(s are encouraged to use abbreviation(s) of terms if they are used more than once in the articles/papers/manuscripts,
and listed alphabetically with their meanings.

5. Materials and Methods:
All procedure(s)/method(s)/technique(s) used should be described by the author as detailed as possible for the purpose of
allowing other workers to reproduce author’s approach, or a brief description of methods used with references of these
methods published previously. Methods of statistical analysis should be described as well. Additionally, all details in
regards to the medical equipment (manufacture’s name and address), or names of drugs and chemicals (including generic
names) and dosage and routes of administration should be given too.

6. Results:
In this section authors should present data in a very concise and logical manner. Authors are not making any references to other
reports / papers published previously.

7. Discussion:
The results should be discussed, evaluated or interpreted emphasizing the unique biological / medical observation
made by the author(s). Author(s) are also welcome to indicate if this work is part of some bigger program run at the
institution/university/clinic including their suggestion of further work to be done or future plans.

8. Conclusions:
Authors should clearly point out in bullets their observation(s) emphasizing their main finding(s) and its possible relevance to the
clinical situation.

9. Acknowledgements:
Acknowledgements are not included in a total 50-page length article / paper / manuscript.

I.  The authors, in a section of Acknowledgement(s) must disclose any:

1. commercial interest they may have in regards to their subject(s) of the study(s);

2. source of any financial or material support provided by e.g. the governmental organizations, private/public
corporations, charitable foundation(s), social groups, or individuals;

3. any association with the governmental, social or privately organized group(s) of individuals representing issues
presented / discussed in the submitted article/paper/manuscript, and

4. any meeting(s), conferences, congresses, workshops, etc. where the results / data of this work have been presented, in
part, and which now are submitted to be published in the form of a regular ready-to-publish article / paper / manuscript.

II.  The authors, in the section of Acknowledgement(s) must also indicate, if needed, that all procedures were approved by the
Ethics Committees (e.g. University) in the case of human subjects (e.g. volunteers) or that all studies were carried out in
accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (it is essential to
indicate this in the Materials & Methods as well).

III.  In a case of animal models, it is the author’s responsibility to indicate that all procedures used in the study(s) were
approved by the appropriate Animal Ethics Committee (e.g. University), additionally to provide details in regards to the
source of animals, species used, breed, pathogen-free colony, age, weight, sex, diet requirements, environment, etc. (it is
essential to
indicate this in the Materials & Methods as well).

10. References:
are not included in a total length of 50-page-long paper/manuscript, should be typewritten - single space - with Times New
Romans Font not less than 12 and numbered in the order in which they appear and/or are cited in the main body of the
article/paper/manuscript (Arabic numerals superscripted).

Example (Journals):

1. Starzl TE, Demetris AJ, Trucco M, et al. Chimerism after liver transplantation for type IV glycogen storage disease and type I
Gaucher’s disease. N Engl J Med 1993: 328(11): 745
2. Auchincloss H, Jr. Xenogenic Transplantation: a review. Transplantation 1988: 46: 1
3. Tilney NL, Whitley WD, Diamond JR, Kupiec-Weglinski JW, Adams DH. Chronic rejection: an undefined conundrum.
Transplantation 1991: 52: 389-98

The work of authors publishing their manuscripts in the
ICCMVS Journal should be abbreviated in accordance with the style
used in
Index Medicus, or otherwise suggested by the Publisher of this Journal.
The abbreviation suggested by the Publisher to be used for the International Clinical &
Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal
is as follows:        ICCMVS Journal
Additionally, the Publisher is requiring that any work published by the authors at the ICCMVS Journal should be
acknowledged by a proper quotation / citation of their work in a following manner:

IV   – is a Category / Section of ICCMVS Journal to which submitted manuscript has been selected / classified;
(1):  – a consecutive number if more than one manuscript is published in the selected Category / Section of ICCMVS
TWP – stands for a Total Number of Words Published in the manuscript;
WQ  – Words Quoted or Statement(s) Referred To (Microsoft Program for WQ - work in progress)

Example (Books):

1. Bloom W, and Fawcett D. A Text Book of Histology. 9th ed., Sanders BW, Philadelphia. 1969: 250-252
2. Platt JL, Bach FH. Mechanism of tissue injury in hyperacute xenograft rejection. In Cooper DKC, Kemp E, Reemtsma K,
White DJG, eds. Xenotransplantation. The Transplantation of organs and tissues between species. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
1991: 69

11. Author’s Address for Correspondence:
The full name of main author (first name and last name) including an exact full address (with the complete name of Institution)
accompanied by postal code/zip code (and an e-mail address as well) for correspondence purposes must be given.

    Copyright & Intellectual Property:

The International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS Journal) ) is covered by
copyrights for all those who make software, movies and / or any other creative work, and is strictly adhering to the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act, Bill C-32 (2011) and
Yahoo! Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy.

For that reason, therefore, all articles/papers/manuscripts / DVDs and/or any other presentations/seminars/lectures published in
this Journal are the property of the
ICCMVS Journal and, consequently, any individual(s) must obey the rules of appropriate
citation(s)/quotation(s) of presented materials published in the
International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary
Sciences Journal
(ICCMVS Journal).

Proper quotation / citation of author's work from any article/paper/manuscript published at the
ICCMVS Journal should be
carried out in a following manner:

IV     –  is a Category / Section of ICCMVS Journal to which submitted manuscript has been selected / classified;
(1): – a consecutive number if more than one manuscript is published in the selected Category / Section of ICCMVS Journal;
TWP – stands for a Total Number of Words Published in the manuscript;
WQ  – Words Quoted or Statement(s) Referred To (Microsoft Program for WQ - work in progress)


1. All Illustrations, Charts, Tables, Figures (each with a legend incorporated into the text of manuscript), References, and
Acknowledgements submitted along with an article/paper/manuscript are not included into its total/full length of maximum
(or longer) typewritten single space (Times New Roman Font not less than 12) body of manuscript submitted to
ICCMVS Journal for publication.

(a.) Illustrations: each photograph of clinical/research material, each roentgenogram, each photomicrograph, each table, each
drawing, each chart, etc., should be numbered (in the order in which they are appearing and/or cited in the main body of
the article/paper/manuscript) and accompanied by a legend (e.g. explaining all symbols used and/or staining and
magnification for photomicrographs) and, furthermore, are incorporated into the main body of submitted article / paper /
manuscript for publication.

    Manuscript's Publishing Charges / Publishing Fees* (may change
without notice)

1. The author(s) will be charged US$250.00 (in US dollars that includes all taxes and fees required) for each article /
paper / manuscript written in English only and not exceeding numbered 50 printed pages (typewritten – single space - with Times
New Roman Font not less than 12 – on one side of the Letter Size/A4 paper with margin on each site not smaller than 1 inch =
2.5 cm) which is submitted to the
International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS
) for publication.

2. There is no calculated charge per page. The allowed size of a submitted article/paper/manuscript is equal to 50 printed
not including illustration, tables, acknowledgement, and/or any other appendices/attachments.

3. It is the author’s responsibility to make sure that the copy of your Order Summary payment made to the ICCMVS
for each manuscript (original copy) is attached clearly indicating the first author’s name and the manuscript’s title.

4. Payment in the amount of US$250.00 (in US dollars that includes all taxes and fees required) is an essential
element of publishing as it confirms [a form of
signing a contract between the author(s) and the ICCMVS Journal’s Publisher]
that the author of a submitted manuscript is acknowledging the following:

a) that the information provided in the submitted manuscript is presented to the best of author’s knowledge/abilities and that
the clinical/research data provided is accurately reflecting an actual biological/medical situation/observation;

b) that the ultimate responsibility for the quality and accuracy of presented information/data/results rest solely with the author;

c) that all units of measurements, etc., are provided according to the Systeme International d’Unites (SI Units) where the
Donald’s Medical Dictionary and Webster’s International Dictionary may be used as standard references;

d) that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not under consideration by any other journal and/or
publishing site (including, but not limited to Internet sites, personal or institutional), and

e) that all procedures used in presented clinical or research studies involving human subjects, and/or all procedures employed
using animal models are approved by the local Ethics Committees (e.g. University).  

*Requested charges / fees are calculated in US Dollars (all taxes and fees required are included) and may be
subjected to change without notice.

*Please note that in the case of a money order or cheque (in US Dollars), issued for the required
amount of money (
payable to: ICCMVS Journal), there will be approximately a 4-6 week delay in
publishing of the paper submitted for publication, to confirm from the Bank that the required funds are

*Manuscript(s) submitted without a proof of payment are not published.

*All requested charges / fees are not negotiable.
Address to Contact Us and to Submit
Your Manuscript:

Dr. M.P. Ruka
ICCMVS Journal
55 Yarmouth Street, Suite 204
Guelph, Ontario N1H 7R4, Canada
Tel.: / Fax: (01) (519) 763-9192

XVI: In Contact With Us:
1.   Selected Remarks in Regards to the CCMVS Journal’s New Concept of Publishing
Scientific Manuscripts: Comments Collected From August 21, 2011 to present.
Ruka MP.
Total Number of Words Published (TWP): 3,010;             Published: November 14, 2011
Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary
Sciences Journal
Copyright © 2018 International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS Journal). All rights reserved.

V. Advertisements*:
All advertisement(s) related to the medical, veterinary, biological and related disciplines are welcome:

(a.) There is established a charge of US$ 25.00 per month for advertisement not exceeding 25% of
the Letter Size or A4 paper;

(b.) There is established a charge of US$ 55.00 per month for advertisement not exceeding 50% of
the Letter Size or A4 paper;

(c.) There is established a charge of US$ 125.00 per month for advertisement not exceeding a
Letter Size or A4 paper.

For more information please contact Dr. M.P. Ruka (Publisher) at the
ICCMVS Journal Office.

*Requested charges and fees are calculated in US Dollars (including all taxes and fees
) and may be subjected to change without notice.

*Please note that in the case of sending a money order or cheque (in US Dollars),
issued for the required amount of money (payable to:
ICCMVS Journal), there will
be approximately a
4-6 week delay in publishing of the submitted materials for
publication, to confirm from the Bank that the required funds are available.

*Material(s) submitted without a proof of payment are not published.

*All requested charges are not negotiable.
Copyright & Intellectual Property:

The International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal (ICCMVS Journal) is
covered by copyrights for all those who make software, movies and / or any other creative work, and is
strictly adhering to the Canadian Copyright Modernization Act, Bill C-32 (2011) and
Yahoo! Copyright
and Intellectual Property Policy.

For that reason, therefore, all articles/papers/manuscripts / DVDs and/or any other
presentations/seminars/lectures published in this Journal are the property of the
ICCMVS Journal and,
consequently, any individual(s) must obey the rules of appropriate citation(s)/quotation(s) of presented
materials published in the
International Clinical & Comparative Medical & Veterinary Sciences Journal
ICCMVS Journal).

Proper quotation / citation of author's work from any article/paper/manuscript published at the
ICCMVS Journal should be carried out in a following manner:

 IV – is a Category / Section of ICCMVS Journal to which submitted manuscript has been
(1): – a consecutive number if more than one manuscript is published in the selected
Category / Section of ICCMVS Journal;   TWP - stands for a Total Number of Words Published in the
WQWords Quoted or Statement(s) Referred To (Microsoft Program for WQ - work in

IV. Organizers of Medical, Veterinary, Biological
Workshops, Meetings, Symposium, Conferences, or
are welcome to publish their Abstracts,
Manuscripts, Posters and Proceeding
at the ICCMVS

Meeting Organizers are requested to contact our Office in advance but
not later than
3 months prior to the date of a particular Meeting / Conference
/ Congress, etc, to make appropriate arrangements in regards to the
materials to be published.

1. Abstract - the cost of each abstract to be published is: US$ 10.00

2. Proceeding's Manuscript/Paper/Article:
- the cost of each manuscript/paper/article to be published in Proceeding(s) is: US$ 25.00

3. Poster Presentation:
- the cost of each poster presentation to be published is: US$ 25.00

Please, contact the ICCMVS Journal Office for further information and arrangements.

*Requested charges / fees of materials to be published in the ICCMVS Journal are calculated in
US Dollars (
all taxes and fees required are included) and may be subjected to change without

*Material(s) submitted without a proof of payment are not published.

*All requested charges / fees are not negotiable.

III. You can publish your Educational Videos (DVDs)*:

1. All professionals who wish to present their unique work on videos (not published before and which have
not been concurrently submitted to other journals or posted on Internet) in the form of seminars, courses, or
lectures (in English) on the subject(s) of their own choosing in the field of medical, veterinary, biological
and other related disciplines (e.g. body fluids, cellular components, vascular micro-circulation, surgical
techniques, medical procedures of treatment, laboratory work, laboratory methods of diagnosis, hospital
work, social behaviour) – for the benefit of humans and animals, are welcome to submit their work (DVDs)
to the
ICCMVS Journal office for publication.

2. There is no limitation(s) imposed (except the ICCMVS Journal’s policies, conditions and limitation
identified in item no.
I.7. of Instruction for Authors) on the subject(s) presented and the length of video
presentation provided (DVD) to our Office for publication.

3. The author(s) will be charged
US$142.00 (that includes all taxes and fees required) for his/her
professional (each) video/DVD submitted to be published in the
ICCMVS Journal.

4. An ultimate responsibility for the quality and accuracy of presented information/data/results in the
published video (DVD) rests solely with the author(s).

NOTE: It is the author’s full responsibility to make sure that their DVD(s) are free of viruses,
as each diskette/disc will be screened with the Norton Internet Security (Symantec)
anti-virus system at the
ICCMVS Journal Office, and infected files will be automatically
deleted , at the author’s expense.

5. This is the author’s responsibility to make sure that the copy of your Order Summary payment
(proof of payment) made to the
ICCMVS Journal for publishing his/her video / DVD is attached clearly
indicating the author’s name and the video / DVD's title.

6. Author is requested to mail his/her original copy of video / DVD with the proof of payment to the
following address:

Dr. M.P. Ruka
ICCMVS Journal
55 Yarmouth Street, Suite 204
Guelph, Ontario N1H 7R4, Canada

7. The
ICCMVS Journal strictly adheres to its anti-violent and anti-discriminatory policies in regards to
the race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, marital or family status, and any article / paper /
manuscript and/or video (DVD) violating these policies (or providing/promoting any offensive materials /
information / images)  will be removed from publishing at the author's expense. Publishing fee will not be

*Requested charges / fees are calculated in US Dollars (all taxes and fees required are
) and may be subjected to change without notice.

*Please note that in  the case of sending a money order or cheque (in US Dollars),
issued for the required amount of money (
payable to: ICCMVS Journal), there will be
approximately a
4-6 week delay in publishing of the submitted work (DVD) for
publication, to confirm from the Bank that the required funds are available.

*Educational material(s) submitted without a proof of payment are not published.

*All requested charges / fees are not negotiable.

II. You can Publish your Bachelor’s Degrees, Master’s
or Doctoral Degrees thesis*:

1. The authors of a dissertation written in English language only for their B.A., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. or any
other Doctoral Degree(s)
in biological, medical, veterinary and related fields/disciplines in the area of
treatment, care, health, and welfare – for the benefit of humans and animals
– are welcome to submit
their thesis to the
ICCMVS Journal office for publication.

2. The author will be charged
US$420.00 (that includes all taxes and fees required) for his/her
dissertation / thesis to be published in the
ICCMVS Journal.

3. An ultimate responsibility for the quality and accuracy of presented information/data/results in the
published dissertation/thesis rest solely with the author.

4. It is the author’s responsibility to make sure that the
copy of your Order Summary  payment
(proof of payment) made to the
ICCMVS Journal for publishing his/her dissertation/thesis is attached
clearly indicating the author’s name and the dissertation / thesis' title, as well.

5. Author is requested to mail his/her original copy with the appropriate file on the 3.5" DS/HD
diskettes, USB flash drive or CD
compatible with Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 only (for the purpose
of downloading into the
ICCMVS Journal site) with the proof of payment to the following address:

Dr. M.P. Ruka
ICCMVS Journal
55 Yarmouth Street, Suite 204
Guelph, Ontario N1H 7R4, Canada

e-mail as an attachment to: publisher@ccmvsjournal.com (with a copy of your Order
payment made to the ICCMVS Journal clearly indicating the author’s name and the
dissertation / thesis’ title).

6. Files / manuscripts submitted in Acrobat and/or Adobe Reader are not accepted and will not be published.

NOTE:  It is the author’s full responsibility to make sure that their 3½ DS/HD diskette, USB
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First Issue
ICCMVS Journal 2013, Vol. 1-3, No. 1
Authors' Names. Manuscript's Tile. ICCMVS Journal 2011: Vol. 1, No. 1, XVI(1): TWP
Authors' Names. Manuscript's Tile. ICCMVS Journal 2011: Vol. 1, No. 1, XVI(1): TWP
Authors' Names. Manuscript's Tile. ICCMVS Journal 2011: Vol. 1, No. 1, XVI(1): TWP
International CCMVS Journal is committed to publish within the first 24 hours submitted to our Office ready-to-publish original
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Transplant...     Molecular (re)structure...     Cloning...     Stem Cells...     Genome...     Bio-technology...
This is an official publication of The Cambridge Center for Medical & Veterinary Sciences Inc. (CMVS)
Since 2007
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